Tour overview

Discover “The Pearl Of Africa”

Safari Highlights: – the magical Murchison falls, Primates, Gorillas, game drives, scenery,
unique cultures, birds…

Airport Transfer

You will be met on arrival by our company representative then driven to Kampala for check-in, dinner and overnight at the accommodation facility of your choice Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget

Briefing about your safari is also done today and final payments if any. We shall then leave you to relax and prepare for the safari ahead.


  • All meals and Accommodation as per itinerary
  • All ground transportation in a comfortable 4*4 vehicle
  • Services of a full time English speaking Guide / driver
  • Water /Coffee/ Tea while on Safari
  • Game drives and Ranger fees
  • Park entrance fees
  • All Government taxes / Levies

Not Included

  • Airfare To and from Uganda
  • Visa and departure taxes at the Airport
  • Activities not mentioned in the Itinerary
  • Wines ,Beers and spirits & all the beverages other than the mineral water on the safari
  • Personal Insurance
  • Items of personal nature e.g. telephone calls, tips and gratuity, laundry and souvenirs

Day 1: Transfer to Murchison Falls NP (5-6hrs)

No visit to Uganda would be complete without a visit to the magnificent Murchison Falls National Park renowned for its scenic beauty and the spectacular falls, from which the park derives its name. Murchison Falls has abundant flora and fauna to delight the visitor. From rolling savannah and tall grasslands to thick bush and woodlands, the diversity of this park never ceases to amaze visitors and residents alike.

Please have an early breakfast and check-out in readiness to be picked from your hotel at 7.00am, followed by a drive to Murchison Falls NP passing through beautiful woodlands and Savannah grasslands. There will be interesting stops along the way; including snacks and then we proceed straight to the park, to the accommodation facility of your choice for checkin: Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget.

There after you will relax and have your lunch then take the rest of the day at leisure while enjoying the lodge’s facilities.

In the evening you have the option of going for an evening game drive or relaxing while enjoy the hotel facilities.

Day 2: Murchison Falls Experience (Full Day)

Wake up early with a snack and set off on a Sunrise game drive (about 6.30am) in the Nyamsika plateau, while on the game drive, Cape buffalo, Rothschild's giraffe, Uganda kob, hartebeest and waterbuck are commonly seen. You may also spot oribi, bushbuck, Bohor reedbuck, shy sitatunga, bush duiker, warthog and Bush pig plus large carnivores including lions, leopards and spotted hyenas.

Chimpanzees and olive baboons head the list of six species of primates found in the park. Crocodiles and hippos will be seen along the banks of the Nile. Some of the more common birds that can be seen include goliath heron, Egyptian geese, pelican, bee-eaters, kingfishers, hornbill, cormorant, saddle-bill stork and the rare shoebill stork. After the game drive, you will return to the lodge for lunch.

After lunch at 2.00pm, proceed for a boat trip on the placid Victoria Nile, upstream, to the base of the falls. En route you will see hippos, crocodiles, water buck and a wide variety of birds like the unusual shoebill stork.

The boat stops just tens of meters from the "Devil’s Cauldron". From here you will disembark and take a hike to the top of the falls where your vehicle will be waiting for you for pick up. The nature walk provides an awesome experience, as you will experience the Majestic Murchison falls forming into an impressive rainbow. The fantastic view as the Nile River narrows from 50 metres to crash through a 7 metre gorge, falling 45 metres to the rocks below is breath-taking. Thereafter we shall return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Transfer to Fort Portal / Kibale Forest NP (4Hrs)

After a relaxed breakfast you will checkout and we drive to Fort Portal City (4 – 5hrs) with lunch stop en route. Check- in will be at the accommodation facility of your choice Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget

Day 4: Kibale Forest Experience – Prepare for Full Day Experience

Kibale Forest NP is home to the World’s highest concentrations of primate species with 13 species recorded including the fancy Chimpanzee, rare Red tailed Monkey, Black and white Colubus Monkeys, Olive baboons, and Barbet monkey among others. This forest offers great chimpanzee trekking and habituation, splendid bird watching, Cultural experience and striking scenic beauty. It is also a wellknown habitat for the great blue Turraco.

After an early breakfast you will be handed to the park officials for briefing at 8.00am and the trek begins with a guided nature walk in this tropical rainforest in search of the wild chimpanzees, red tailed monkeys, black-and-white Colobus monkeys and many others.

Cultural Experience (Afternoon): After the trek you will return to your preferred accommodation within the park for lunch and relaxation.

In the late afternoon if it appeals to you; you will visit the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary. The sanctuary offers great birding opportunities and a rich cultural heritage site where you can mix with the local people and enjoy the African traditions in terms of lifestyle and entertainment. A guided walk to the “top of the world” will give you the opportunity to enjoy the scenic crater lakes, tea plantations and rolling hills perfect for photography.

After that we return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Excursion to Semiliki National Park (1-2 hrs drive), sleeping Fort Portal

After a relaxed breakfast, we transfer to Semiliki Valley National Park (1-2 hrs) for an excursion. On arrival you will visit the inner Onyiasimbi Hot spring – the female spring, which is a boiling geyser (103°C) which spurts 2Metre high. This is a sight not to be missed! You can also enjoy the rare experience of boiling eggs or cooking the traditional luwombe in the bubbling pools created by this hot water.

After this you will enjoy a swift walk to the Sempaya Hot springs(the male spring) through a patch of rain forest; the outer spring is dominated by a broad steaming pool stretching about 10m across.

Another optional excitement is the 30 minutes trail through beautiful palm forest. On the trail you may see several primates which include the red-tailed monkey, grey checked Mangabey and Black and white colobus monkeys.

Different forest birds can also be seen which include the great blue turaco and roses turaco, yellow throated tinker bird, hornbills, red-rumped and Frasier’s ant-thrush, blue-breasted King fisher and honey guide greenbul among others. Visit the scenic Mungilo waterfall, which is an excellent site for hornbill species.

And later we shall drive back to Fort Portal and check in at your preferred accommodation facility for relaxation until dinner and overnight Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget.

Day 6: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park (2-3hrs)

After a relaxed breakfast you will check out and transfer to Queen Elizabeth National park; with en route stop-over at The Equator for photo opportunity and souvenirs. Check-in will be at the accommodation facility of your choice Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget where you will also have lunch as you relax.

After check I you relax and take the rest of the day at leisure; while enjoying the hotel facilities until evening when we shall take you on a Sunset game drive with the breathing views of the Sunset over the scenic crater lakes. Afterwards, you will return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is the most popular and easily accessible game reserve in Uganda. Situated on the floor of the Albertine rift overlooking the mysterious Mountains of the moon (The Rwenzoris) in South-western Uganda, the park covers 2000 square KM and includes a remarkable variety of echo systems from semi-deciduous Tropical to green meadows, savannah, crater lakes and swamps.

A total of 95 mammal species have been recorded here, the highest for any Ugandan National Park. It is also home to the most famous tree-climbing lions along the Ishasha Sector, the Ugandan Kob, and other Antelopes species, as well as Elephants, Bufallos, Hippos, Buboons, and elusive primates in the scenic Kyambura gorge. An impressive 547 confirmed bird species have been recorded in Queen Elizabeth. This is one of the highest totals in the World and is truly remarkable for such a relatively small reserves.

In addition to all these fascinating game viewing and birding; a relaxing boat trip along the Kazinga
Channel will give you a good time.

Day 7: Queen Elizabeth NP Experience (Full Day)

If it appeals to you, you can have a cup of coffee/tea, before setting off for an early morning game drive (about 6.30am); this is an awesome experience to spot the animals in natural habitats. With higher chances of spotting elephants, solitary cape buffaloes, hyenas, lions, leopard, antelopes, warthogs and beautiful birds. This park has spectacular sceneries including Crater Lakes and rolling savannah plains overlooking the snow-capped of The Rwenzoris Mountain ranges. There after you return for a full breakfast at the lodge and relax until time for lunch.

At 2.00pm after lunch; you will take a relaxing boat cruise along Kazinga channel, this is a huge opportunity to spot more animals as they come to cool off down the stream. Queen Elizabeth National Park is the leading birding destination with over 600 bird species including pelicans, kingfishers, hammer corps, woodpeckers, cormorants, goliath heron and the rare shoebill stork; have a good time spotting these birds. Later you return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 8: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – (3-4 hrs Buhoma Sector/ 5-6 hrs Ruhija Sector)

Check-out after breakfast and we drive to Bwindi National Park via the Ishaha sector of Queen Elizabeth National park, famous for the tree-climbing lions sometimes spotted resting on the branches of the acacia trees. Check- in will be at the accommodation facility of your choice Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget.

The length of the journey or the choice of the accommodation facility will depend on your permit: - Nkuringo sector; Buhoma Sector; Ruhija Sector or Rushaga Sector.

After check-in you will have lunch and be left to relax and take the rest of the day at leisure while enjoying the lodge facilities

Day 9: Gorilla Trekking (Full Day)

After an early breakfast you will be driven to the briefing point thereafter you will start tracking at 08.00am. This is a demanding but rewarding experience. You will depart with lunch boxes, drinking water and remember to bring Jungle boots and rain coat with you. This park is covered in dense vegetation and rugged hills which will demand that you are physically fit. The time taken to reach the Gorillas varies according to their movements.

Day 10: Transfer to Lake Bunyonyi (3 hrs)

After breakfast, you will check out and we will drive to Lake Bunyonyi, which is the deepest lake in Africa. The place is so bautifully created and also referred to as “the Switzerland of Uganda” and a birders’ paradise.

We shall arrive in time for lunch and checking in at the accommodation facility of your choice Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget; where you will take the rest of the day at leisure, relaxing and later dinner and overnight.

Day 11: Lake Bunyonyi Islands Excursions

The day is dedicated to pure relaxation and taking the day at leisure. If it appeals to you then you may visit several islands by canoe (can be arranged from the hotel); and conclude by a hike to the Pygmies villages, where you will enjoy their unique cultural entertainment. Then return to your hotel and take the rest of the day at leisure, relaxing until dinner and overnight.

Day 12: Transfer to Kampala – (5-6hrs)

After a relaxed breakfast you will check-out and we drive straight to Kampala with en route stops for lunch arriving in the evening. Check-in, dinner and overnight will be at the accommodation facility of your choice: Luxury / Mid-Range / Budget.

Day 13: Airport Transfer and Departure!

Whatever time your outbound flight is, we shall pick you from your hotel and transfer you to the Airport in time for Departure!

For this Safari Budget – Please inquire with us!
End of Safari

Important Notes:-

Please note that Gorilla permits in all parks are on very high demand and we advise that you book them as early as possible. Gorilla tracking in general is dependent on the availability of tracking permits at the time of your booking.

However, should permits not be readily available for Bwindi, it is possible to track on the other side of the rain forest, at Rushaaga, only 7 kms from Kisoro town in Nkuringo, or in Rwanda across the border at Parc National des Volcans