Tour overview

Discover the allure of Uganda in 10 days

Safari Highlights: – the magical Murchison falls, Primates, Gorillas, game drives, scenery, unique cultures, birds…

Airport Transfer
You will be met on arrival by our company representative then driven to Kampala for check-in, dinner and overnight at Latitude 00 Hotel, Makindye Hill (superior room – additional bed is subject to availability) or Mestil Hotel – Nsambya (2 Bed room suite) or Similar (Mid-Range). Briefing about your safari is also done today and final payments if any. We shall then leave you to relax and prepare for the safari ahead.

Day 01: Transfer to Bwindi (8-9hrs)

On this day you will set off after an early breakfast from Kampala to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest via Mbarara, with en route stopovers at the Equator Line that divides the world into the Southern and Northern hemisphere for photos and souvenirs, and lunch will be in Mbarara after which you will proceed to south Western Uganda.

This path is packed with amazing scenery..

Checking in at Gorilla Leisure Lodge (Ruhija sector) / Four Gorillas Lodge (Rushaga sector) / Haven Lodge (Buhoma sector) / Nkuringo Gorilla Lodge (Nkuringo sector).

Mountain Gorillas live in selected areas with high altitude and thick vegetation canopies which they feed on and make their habitats. They live like human beings in groups of 10-35 members, each group is always dominated by adult male “Silver back”, and it is true that these forest gentle apes are our cousins sharing about 98% DNA with humans. Bwindi Impenetrable forest is home more than half ofthe remaining World’s Gorillas population. While Virunga landscape, which covers the areas of Mgahinga in south Western Uganda, Parc National des Volcans of Rwanda and Eastern DRC houses the remaining population.

Day 2: Gorilla Trekking (Full Day)

After an early breakfast you will be driven to the briefing point thereafter you will start tracking at 08.00am. This is a demanding but rewarding experience. You will depart with lunch boxes, drinking water and remember to bring Jungle boots and rain coat with you. This park is covered in dense vegetation and rugged hills which will demand that you are physically fit. The time taken to reach the Gorillas varies according to their movements.

Day 3: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is the most popular and easily accessible game reserve in Uganda. It is situated on the floor of the Albertine rift overlooking the mysterious Rwenzori mountain ranges in South-western Uganda. An impressive 547 confirmed bird species have been recorded in Queen Elizabeth. This is one of the highest totals in the World and is truly remarkable for such a relatively small reserves.

After a relaxed breakfast you will check out and we shall transfer to Queen Elizabeth National park; via the Ishasha Sector most famous for the tree-climbing lions, sometimes spotted resting on the branches of the acacia trees. You will arrive in the afternoon and checking - in at Mweya Safari Lodge/ Buffalo Safari Lodge / Katara Lodge or similar, (LUXURY - MID RANGE), where you will also have lunch as you relax.

After a relaxed breakfast you will check out and we shall transfer to Queen Elizabeth National park; via the Ishasha Sector most famous for the tree-climbing lions, sometimes spotted resting on the branches of the acacia trees. You will arrive in the afternoon and checking - in at Mweya Safari Lodge/ Buffalo Safari Lodge / Katara Lodge or similar, (LUXURY - MID RANGE), where you will also have lunch as you relax.

Day 4: Queen Elizabeth NP (Full Day)

If it appeals to you, you can have a cup of coffee/tea, before setting off for an early morning game drive (about 6.30am); this is an awesome experience to spot the animals in natural habitats. With higher chances of spotting elephants, solitary cape buffaloes, hyenas, lions, leopard, antelopes, warthogs and beautiful birds. This park has spectacular sceneries including Crater Lakes and rolling
savannah plains. There after you return for a full breakfast at the lodge and relax.

In the afternoon after lunch; you will take a relaxing boat cruise along Kazinga channel, this is a huge opportunity to spot more animals as they come to cool off down the stream.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is the leading birding destination with over 600 bird species including pelicans, kingfishers, hammer corps, woodpeckers, cormorants, goliath heron and the rare shoebill stork; have a good time spotting these birds. Thereafter you will return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Transfer to Murchison Falls NP (5-6hrs)

No visit to Uganda would be complete without a trip to the magnificent Murchison Falls National Park renowned for its scenic beauty and the spectacular falls, from which the park derives its name. Murchison Falls has abundant flora and fauna to delight the visitor. From rolling savannah and tall grasslands to thick bush and woodlands, the diversity of this park never ceases to amaze visitors and residents alike.

Please have an early breakfast and check-out in readiness for a drive to Murchison Falls NP. There will be interesting stops along the way; including the Equator and lunch and then we proceed straight to the park, to the accommodation facility for check-in: Paraa Safari Lodge (Deluxe Room)/ Sambiya River Lodge (Banda) or similar (mid - range); where you will also relax and take the rest of the day at leisure while enjoying the lodge’s facilities.

Day 6: Murchison Falls Experience (Full Day)

Wake up early with a snack and set off on a Sunrise game drive (about 6.30am) in the Nyamsika plateau, while on the game drive, Cape buffalo, Rothschild's giraffe, Uganda kob, hartebeest and waterbuck are commonly seen. You may also spot oribi, bushbuck, Bohor reedbuck, shy sitatunga, bush duiker, warthog and Bush pig plus large carnivores including lions, leopards and spotted hyenas.

Chimpanzees and olive baboons head the list of six species of primates found in the park. Crocodilesand hippos will be seen along the banks of the Nile. Some of the more common birds that can be seen include goliath heron, Egyptian geese, pelican, bee-eaters, kingfishers, hornbill, cormorant, saddle-bill stork and the rare shoebill stork. After the game drive, you will return to the lodge for lunch there after you will relax.

After lunch at 2.00pm, proceed for a boat trip on the placid Victoria Nile, upstream, to the base of the falls. En route you will see hippos, crocodiles, water bucks and a wide variety of birds like the unusual shoebill stork.

The boat stops just tens of meters from the "Devil’s Cauldron". From here you will disembark and take a hike to the top of the falls where your vehicle will be waiting for you for pick up. The nature walk provides an awesome experience, as you will experience the Majestic Murchison falls forming into an impressive rainbow. The fantastic view as the Nile River narrows from 50 metres to crash through a 7 metre gorge, falling 45 metres to the rocks below is breath-taking. Thereafter we shall return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 7: Transfer to Kampala – (5 - 6 hrs)

After a relaxed breakfast you will check-out and we drive straight to Kampala with en route stops for lunch arriving in the late afternoon at the accommodation facility. Check-in, dinner and overnight will be at Cassia Lodge – Buziga Hill / Latitude 0°hotel – Makindye Hill or similar.

Day 8: Kampala (full day))

This day shall be taken at leisure, to allow you engage in any business that may appeal to you.

Day 9 Jinja Experience (full day), with lots of options

After breakfast, we shall transfer you to Jinja, for water adventures / heritage tours, and later check-in at Lemala White Waters Lodge (Luxury), for dinner and overnight.

Nile Adventures: River Nile offers opportunities for Grade Five White Water Rafting. Adventure lovers can indulge in water sports such as white water rafting at the world famous Itanda Falls along the Nile River. This trip is guaranteed to get your heart pumping and adrenaline racing… no experience required!

If the adventures do not appeal to you, then a calm boat ride to the very spot where John Speke discovered the source of River Nile is very interesting. It is believed that at this spot, the Mighty River Nile begins its 6,700 Km journey through Egypt into the Mediterranean Sea.

Day 10: Airport Transfer and Departure

Whatever time your outbound flight is, we shall pick you from your hotel and transfer you to the Airport in time for Departure!

End of Safari!

Important Notes:

Please note that Gorilla permits in all parks are on very high demand and we advise that you book them as early as possible. Gorilla tracking in general is dependent on the availability of tracking permits at the time of your booking.

However, should permits not be readily available for Bwindi, it is possible to track on the other side of the rain forest, at Rushaaga, only 7 kms from Kisoro town in Nkuringo,

The safari can start on any day convenient to the client!